Established in 1989, the Christian Theological and Ministries Education Society (CTMES) operates as a theological peak-body (for undergraduate qualifications) to support Christian biblical and theological educational providers in New Zealand who are delivering the range of national biblical qualifications.
CTMES is a not-for-profit incorporated society that primarily consists of members representing a wide range of theological and biblical private training enterprises in New Zealand. CTMES is governed by an executive group elected from its membership. Details about the current executive team can be found here https://www.ctmes.ac.nz/executive.
Our mission is to promote, support, and advocate biblical education in New Zealand.
A national Christian education peak body that works to support theological providers in New Zealand. We also advocate for, support, and promote Christian theological and biblical education to government bodies, the wider tertiary sector and other related educational peak bodies.
Promoting Christian and Biblical Education
We facilitate and encourage collaboration amongst theological providers.
We facilitate the sharing of best practice around educational practices and the implementation of quality standards within the Christian tertiary sector.
We advise theological provides of shifts and changes in government policy, compliance, and programme currency and changes.
We provide representation and advocacy to government bodies on behalf of our members and theological sector.
We own and manage a collection of national qualifications (NZQA approved) at undergraduate level.
We support each other in our collective efforts to provide biblical and theological tertiary education in New Zealand. e
CTMES is made up of theological and biblical education providers throughout New Zealand and seeks to serve the Christian constituency in New Zealand. Over the years it has served and promoted Christian and biblical education in New Zealand and represented sector interests and advocacy on behalf of its members to Government bodies, departments, and agencies.
CTMES provides representation on behalf of its members by establishing and implementing policies and procedures for determining and maintaining appropriate nationally recognised qualifications (Levels 1-6), delivery and standards in the secondary and tertiary sector.