Membership Criteria
There are two types of membership - full and associate
Full Membership
Full membership may be held by institutions (Colleges, Schools, other associations) which are registered with an accrediting body approved by the New Zealand Government and meet the following Criteria:
1. The Institution is involved in Christian theological and ministries education
2. The Institution has a current student enrolment
3. The Institution supports the Objects and Articles of the Society
4. The Institution endorses the Affirmation of Faith and agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics
Associate Membership
Associate membership is available to (a) individuals who are or have been involved in Christian theological and ministries education and (b) institutions that are actively involved in Christian Education.
1. Associate members should be committed to the objects and ethos of the Society.
2. Associate members are not voting members.
Procedure for Application for Membership
1. Initiative regarding membership may be taken by an interested institution or individual, by a current member of CTMES, or by the Society itself
2. An application should be submitted to the Executive Committee, in writing, along with supporting documentation and an application fee as set from time to time by the Executive Committee.
3 The Executive Committee will verify that the necessary criteria are met.
4. The Executive Committee may consult with current members before agreeing to accept the application.
5. The Executive Committee will inform the applicant, in writing, of the outcome of their application in writing.