Assuring national consistency of graduate outcomes through consistency reviews is part of NZQA’s quality assurance system. Two of the qualifications belonging to CTMES are up for consistency reviews in 2025. The good news is that these consistency reviews are probably the last ones as NZQA is considering not requiring consistency reviews from 2026 onwards.
If you have or will have any graduates in programmes from 2019 - 2024 leading to the following two qualifications, then mark these two dates in your calendar.
Date | Number | Title |
27/02/2025 | NZ2793 | New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies |
13/05/2025 | NZ2772 | New Zealand Certificate in Christian Ministry |
Note: If you have fewer than 5 graduates, you do not need to attend the consistency review. You will only need to submit your self-assessment report.
To help our members prepare for these consistency reviews the CTMES Executive is holding an online workshop 9:30am - 11:00am on Tuesday October 29th.
Who is this workshop for? Anyone involved in gathering the data and evidence, preparing the self-assessment report, presenting at the review meeting, and preparing the self-review form required after the review meeting. Joy Hooker from Elim Leadership College is a seasoned participant of consistency reviews and will be leading the workshop, with the help of others on Exec.
What will be in this workshop? Tips and Tools for preparing for a Consistency Review plus plenty of time for questions.
People on the CTMES mailing list will receive a calendar invite to the workshop. Please indicate whether you will be attending or not and feel free to pass this invitation to anyone in your organisation who would benefit from attending.
If you have any questions, please email Sue Davidson at
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