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Update from CTMES Chair

Writer's picture: Sue DavidsonSue Davidson

Kia ora koutou.

These past few months after the CTMES AGM, the CTMES Executive have been relatively busy reviewing and discussing the key purpose of CTMES, our goals and structures. We are wanting to ensure that as an organisation we are clear about our key mission and objectives, and ensuring our structures and process support those goals.

The Executive team meet monthly, getting to know each other as a CTMES executive, inducting new executive members to CTMES and also working through all the back-room administrative processes required as a result (updating registration details, AML declarations, bank account setups / transfer and access, financial audits, etc.).

We also meet regularly (at least quarterly) with the Toitū te Waiora Workforce Development Council leadership. We feel it is important to build sound relationships with the key WDC team, and had written a draft memorandum of understanding to outline the relationship between CTMES and the WDC. This had got to the point of being agreed verbally, however recent announcements by the Minister mean that the future of the WDC is tenuous at best, and so it is unlikely that the MOU will be formally signed off by the WDC! As an Executive, we had also been wrestling with question of qualification ownership (NZQA desire for this to be transferred to WDC) and ongoing responsibilities around programme review. Again, recent announcements likely mean we will need to press reset on all these discussions.

The team have also been liaising with NZQA around Type 2 changes, communicating with CTMES members and supporting members around those processes. We have also recently (you should have received this by email!) negotiated with NZQA around Consistency Review timings. The Executive team also monitor and discuss how to interpret changes in government policy with regard to fees free, UFS / wider funding changes, the role and place of WDC’s since the change of government, changes to EER processes, etc. We will attempt to keep members up to date with these changes and the possible implications!

Most recently, the team have been conducting a review of CTMES’ organisational requirements in light of recent changes to the legislation around incorporated societies. This has flowed into a wider review of our CTMES constitution and clarification of our purpose and goals. Our aim is to bring proposed changes to members later this year.

All in all, it has been a busy time, and I wish to extend my thanks to the wider Executive team for all their energy and efforts! We welcome your feedback and comments also, so please feel free to reach out to any of the executive team with your questions or feedback.

Rob Ayres


Established in 1989, Christian Theological and Ministries Education Society (CTMES) operates as a theological peak-body (for undergraduate qualifications) to support Christian biblical and theological educational providers in New Zealand who are delivering the range of national biblical qualifications.

CMTES is a not-for-profit incorporated society that primarily consists of members representing a wide range of theological and biblical private training enterprises in New Zealand. CTMES is governed by an executive group elected from its membership. Details about the current executive team can be found here


Our mission is to promote, support and advocate biblical education in New Zealand.


A national Christian education peak body that works to support theological providers in New Zealand. We also advocate for, support and promote Christian theological and biblical education to government bodies, the wider tertiary sector and other related educational peak bodies.


-        We facilitate and encourage collaboration amongst theological providers

-        We facilitate the sharing of best practice around educational practices and the implementation of quality standards within the Christian tertiary sector

-        We advise theological providers of shifts and changes in government policy, compliance and programme currency and changes

-        We provide representation and advocacy to government bodies on behalf of our members and theological sector

-        We own and manage a collection of national qualifications (NZQA approved) at undergraduate level

-        We support each other in our collective efforts to provide biblical and theological tertiary education in New Zealand



CTMES is made up of theological and biblical education providers throughout New Zealand and seeks to serve the Christian constituency in New Zealand. Over the years it has served and promoted Christian and biblical education in New Zealand and represented sector interests and advocacy on behalf of its members to Government bodies, departments, and agencies.


CTMES provides representation on behalf of its members by establishing and implementing policies and procedures for determining and maintaining appropriate nationally recognised qualifications (Levels 1-6), delivery and standards in the secondary and tertiary sector.


CMTES continues to provide support for its members with changing trends and developments within theological and Christian ministries spaces and education sector in New Zealand.


CTMES Constitution


CTMES Executive Directors

CTMES Members


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