Kia ora koutou
It is my pleasure as chair of CTMES to greet you all on behalf of the CTMES Executive team. We pray that your year has started well for you and your teams. The new CTMES Executive team met for the first time towards the end of last year and also met early this year to discuss together how we can best serve the collection of associated theological colleges across Aotearoa. We plan on sharing some of our thinking with you in the coming weeks and months, and we value and invite your feedback and input to guide those conversations. Look out for further communication from the Exec group in the near future. Below is some important information regarding the suite of CTMES qualifications (sub-degree).
Our five CTMES qualifications were reviewed after a lengthy consultation period back in 2020 – 2021.
NZ2770 NZ Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 3)
NZ2771 NZ Certificate in Christian Studies (Level 5)
NZ2772 NZ Certificate in Christian Ministry (Level 4)
NZ2773 NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 6)
NZ2793 NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 5)
On 6 April 2022 we received the official letter from NZQA advising us that the applications for the review of these qualifications had been granted. The final date of assessment for version 1 of the qualifications was set at 31 March 2024. This meant that before this date all providers delivering programmes leading to version 2 of these qualifications were required to submit Type 2 applications to both Toitū te Waiora (WDC) and NZQA for approval, and to have received formal approval.
It has transpired that a few providers were unaware of this requirement and have found themselves in a situation where urgent Type 2 changes are required for a 2024 delivery. To relieve pressure and to give these providers sufficient time to prepare and submit their Type 2 changes, conversations have been had with Toitū te Waiora and NZQA who are willing to support CTMES applying for an extension to the last date of assessment for version 1. The proposed date will be 31st December 2024.
We will keep you informed as to the outcome of our application, but we are confident that an extension will be granted.
If you wish any further information or assistance, please contact Sue Davidson,
Kind regards,
CTMES Executive Team:
Rob Ayres (Carey Baptist College), Chair
Richard Goodwin (Pathways College), Deputy Chair
Andrew Ayles (Alphacrucis), Treasurer
Michael Hanson
Phil Newman (Laidlaw College)
Joy Hooker (Elim Leadership College)
Leeana Kukutai (Alphacrucis)
Sue Davidson (Executive Director, Laidlaw College)